Without Water an Iron Viz feeder
Jump directly to the viz At the time of writing it is 100°F outside my window in Arizona and climbing. It’s also August and we’re right in the middle of …
Data Visualization & Analytics Consulting
Jump directly to the viz At the time of writing it is 100°F outside my window in Arizona and climbing. It’s also August and we’re right in the middle of …
Jump directly to the viz If it’s springtime that can only mean that it’s time to begin the feeder rounds for Tableau’s Iron Viz contest. The kick-off global theme for …
It’s now 5 days removed from the Tableau Conference (#data17) and the topic of women in data visualization and the particularly pointed topic of women competing in Tableau’s #IronViz competition …
It’s that time again – Iron Viz feeder contest! The third and final round for a chance to battle at conference in a chef coat is upon us. This round …
It’s that time again – Iron Viz! The second round of Iron Viz entered my world via an email with a very enticing “Iron Viz goes on Safari!” theme. My …
Part of being involved in the Tableau community means publicly publishing visualizations to learn and grow. It’s also a great way to find inspiration. As I’ve pushed myself to be …