Workout Wednesday 14 | Guest Post | Frequency Matrix

Earlier in the month Luke Stanke asked if I would write a guest post and workout.  As someone who completed all 52 workouts in 2017, the answer was obviously YES!

This week I thought I’d take heavy influence from a neat little chart made to accompany Makeover Monday (w36y2017) – the Frequency Matrix.

I call it a Frequency Matrix, you can call it what you will – the intention is this: use color to represent the frequency (intensity) of two things.  So for this week you’ll be creating a Frequency Matrix showing the number of orders within pairs of sub-categories.

click to view on Tableau Public

Primary question of the visualization: Which sub-categories are often ordered together?
Secondary question of the visualization: How much on average is spent per order for the sub-categories.
Tertiary question: Which sub-category combination causes the most average spend per order?

  • Use sub-categories
  • Dashboard size is 1000 x 900; tiled; 1 sheet
  • Distinctly count the number of orders that have purchases from both sub-categories
  • Sort the categories from highest to lowest frequency
  • White out when the sub-category matches and include the number of orders
  • Calculate the average sales per order for each sub-category
  • Identify in the tooltip the highest average spend per sub-category (see Phones & Tables)
  • If it’s the highest average spend for both sub-categories, identify with a dot in the square
  • Match formatting & tooltips – special emphasis on tooltip verbiage

This week uses the superstore dataset.  You can get it here at

After you finish your workout, share on Twitter using the hashtag #WorkoutWednesday and tag @AnnUJackson, @LukeStanke, and @RodyZakovich.  (Tag @VizWizBI too – he would REALLY love to see your work!)

Also, don’t forget to track your progress using this Workout Wednesday form.

Hints & Detail
  • You may not want to use the WDC
  • Purple is from hue circle
  • You’ll be using both LODs and Table Calculations
  • I won’t be offended if you change the order of the sub-category labels in the tooltips
  • Dot is ●
  • Have fun!

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